Posts Tagged With: prosciutto

porch life

With the beautiful weather we’ve been experiencing YBW and I decided to spend a little time outside yesterday afternoon. We debated heading over to one of the local wineries but I was in yoga pants and a Nats tee and didn’t really feel like changing to go out. So we decided create that winery experience at home on our lovely but sadly under-utilized porch. We ran to the grocery store for yummies and goodies to make a small charcuterie board.

We sat out there for quite some time. Talking, laughing, nibbling, and drinking wine.
I officially decided that prosciutto must have been the food of the Gods.
We talked wedding practicalities.
We talked about ourselves and each other.

Oftentimes we’re bogged down in the day to day runnings of our life. But last evening, we just were. We were authentic and immediate and we were completely engaged.
I liked it.
He liked it too.

He’s home with me for the next three days. We talked about taking a mini-break to the beach, but it didn’t really go anywhere. So we’re going to stay home. Tomorrow we’re going to an exhibit at the National Geographic Museum. And on Thursday we’ll go to the Arboretum.
That’s our plan, tentatively…

It’s warmer today, but I may suggest a repeat.
I love when we’re together and able to just be.

Categories: love | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

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